Nguyễn Phương Hằng


Nguyễn Phương Hằng: Self-Made Social Media Star Turned Controversial Celebrity

Nguyễn Phương Hằng’s Rise to Fame

As an early adopter of social media, Nguyễn Phương Hằng leveraged platforms like YouTube and Facebook to build a sizable following and rise to fame in Vietnam.

In the early 2010s, Hằng began posting videos discussing social issues and offering life advice on her YouTube channel. Her charismatic on-screen personality and message of female empowerment resonated with viewers. Within a few years, her channel amassed over a million subscribers, propelling Hằng to social media stardom.

Around 2016, Hằng pivoted to Facebook Live streams, where she engaged with followers in real-time. These intimate, unscripted videos allowed audiences to connect with Hằng on a personal level and strengthened her status as an influencer. During streams, Hằng would discuss her lavish lifestyle, offer inspirational messages, and promote brands through sponsored content.

Hằng’s meteoric rise to fame and fortune serves as an inspiration to many. However, her unfiltered style and questionable business practices have also spurred criticism. Detractors argue Hằng uses her platform to spread misinformation and sell overpriced, low-quality products to her impressionable followers. Supporters counter that Hằng provides entertainment and life advice to her fans.

Love her or hate her, Hằng’s dominance of Vietnamese social media and evolution into a controversial pop culture figure demonstrate the power of influencers in today’s hyperconnected world. For better or worse, Hằng has become a household name and amassed a level of fame and fortune that will ensure she remains in the public spotlight.

Building an Online Empire

To build her online empire, Ms. Nguyễn employed a multi-pronged strategy targeting various social media platforms.

  • On Facebook, she began posting videos discussing social issues and current events in an opinionated manner. Her charismatic on-screen presence and controversial views quickly gained her a large following. Within a year, her page had over 1 million followers.

  • Ms. Nguyễn then expanded to YouTube, uploading longer video blogs (vlogs) and interviews. Her YouTube channel now has over 2 million subscribers and 400 million views. Content ranges from celebrity gossip to criticizing public figures.

  • Most recently, Ms. Nguyễn started livestreaming on Facebook to engage with followers in real time. Her streams can last up to 8 hours and receive up to 1 million concurrent viewers and 10 million comments. She has leveraged livestreaming to promote her business ventures and solicit donations from supporters.

  • Across platforms, Ms. Nguyễn posts daily and has built a highly engaged following through her entertaining yet polarizing style. While she has faced legal issues and bans over controversial claims and comments, her social media prowess and business acumen are undeniable. For better or worse, Ms. Nguyễn has become a social media sensation and influential celebrity in Vietnam.

Through persistence and an innate understanding of how to maximize each platform, Ms. Nguyễn constructed a digital media empire and persona that has made her a household name. Her meteoric rise to fame and fortune highlights the power of social media as a tool for connection and influence.

Recent Controversies and Legal Troubles

Defamation Lawsuits

In 2021, Hằng faced several defamation lawsuits for making unsubstantiated claims about various public figures on her livestreams. She accused singer Đàm Vĩnh Hưng of tax evasion and claimed actress Thúy Diễm had an extramarital affair. Both have filed defamation suits against Hằng.

Tax Evasion Charges

Hằng is also under investigation for tax evasion. She allegedly under-reported her income and profits from her livestreaming and media company. The Ministry of Finance claims Hằng owes up to VND 200 billion ($8.7 million USD) in back taxes from 2019 to 2020. If found guilty, she could face hefty fines and even jail time.

YouTube Channel Suspension

In August 2021, YouTube suspended Hằng’s channel for violating their harassment and cyberbullying policies. The suspension came after Hằng made derogatory comments about journalist Nguyễn Phương Nga on her channel. Hằng’s channel had over 1 million subscribers at the time of suspension. She has since moved her livestreams to other platforms like Facebook and TikTok.

Hằng’s controversies and legal issues demonstrate the power and influence she has garnered as a social media star, as well as the consequences of irresponsible behavior. Her devoted fans continue to support her despite the controversies, but her detractors argue she should face more serious repercussions for her actions like permanent removal from platforms or jail time. Hằng remains a polarizing figure who elicits both adoration and outrage. Her future in Vietnam’s media landscape remains uncertain given her current legal troubles.

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